“Investigating WeChat” is a four-part series exploring the complexities and threats posed by...
Digital security
Investigating WeChat (Part 2): Weixin in China, Big Brother is...
“Investigating WeChat” is a four-part series exploring the complexities and threats posed by...
Investigating WeChat (Part 1): Weixin and WeChat, the terrible...
“Investigating WeChat” is a four-part series exploring the complexities and threats posed by...
Investigating WeChat: An introduction to social apps WeChat and...
“Investigating WeChat” is a four-part series exploring the complexities and threats posed by...
China: how to temper with facial recognition surveillance
Facial recognition is ubiquitous in China, and is being used by the Chinese regime to exert heavy...
LINE, a messaging app to use with caution
LINE, a messaging app mostly used in Asia, offers end-to-end encryption but also presents back-end...