无国界记者组织: www.rsf.org
- Tel: (+33) – Fax: (+33) –
- Email: rsf@rsf.org
- 各项协助/保险: securite@rsf.org
- 秘书处: secretariat@rsf.org
- 非洲办公室: africa@rsf.org
- 拉丁美洲办公室: americas@rsf.org
- 亚洲办公室: asia@rsf.org
- 欧洲办公室: europe@rsf.org
- 伊朗办公室: persan@rsf.org
- 中东办公室: middle-east@rsf.org
- 新媒体办公室: internet@rsf.org
德国RSF – Reporter ohne Grenzen:
- www.reporter-ohne-grenzen.de
- Tel: (+49) 30.609.895.33-0 – Fax: (+49)
- Email: kontakt@reporter-ohne-grenzen.de
- 奥地利RSF – Reporter ohne Grenzen: www.rog.at
- Tel: (+43) 158.100.11 – Fax: (+43) 148.003.95 –
- Email: info@rog.at
比利时RSF – Reporters sans frontières / Reporters zonder grenzen
- Tel: (+32) – Fax: (+32) –
- Email: rsf@rsf.be
西班牙RSF – Reporteros sin fronteras
- Tel/Fax: (+34) 91.522.4031 – Email: rsf@rsf-es.org
美国RSF – Reporters without borders
- Tel: (+1 202) 256.5613 – Email: dcdesk@rsf.org
芬兰RSF – Toimittajat ilman rajoja ry /Reportrar utan gränser, rf
- Tel: (+358) 50.380.7947 – Email: info@toimittajatilmanrajoja.fi
瑞典RSF – Reportrar utan Gränser:
- www.reportrarutangranser.se
- Tel: (+46) 8.618.93.36 – Email: reportrarutangranser@rsf.org
瑞士RSF – Reporters sans frontières:
- www.rsf-ch.ch
- Tel: (+41) 22.328.44.88 – Fax: (+41) 22.328.44.89 – Email:
- info@rsf-ch.ch
突尼西亚RSF – Reporters sans frontières
- Tel: (+216) – E-mail: tunisie@rsf.org
Article 19: www.article19.org
- Free Word Centre, 60 Farringdon Road, London , EC1R 3GA,
- United Kingdom
- Tel: (+44) – Email: info@article19.org
国际新闻安全学会International News Safety Institute:
- www.newssafety. org
- 30 South Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5EP, United
- Kingdom – Email: info@newssafety.org
达特新闻与创伤中心Dart Center for Journalists and Trauma: dartcenter.org
- 48 Gray’s Inn Road, London, WC1X 8LT, United Kingdom
- Tel: (+44) 207.242.3562 – Email: info@dartcentre.org
罗里佩克基金会Rory Peck Trust: www.rorypecktrust.org
- Linton House, 24 Wells Street London W1T 3PH, United
- Kingdom – Tel: (+44) 203.219.7860 –
- Fax: +(44) 203 219 7862
- Email: info@rorypecktrust.org ; assistance@rorypecktrust.org ;
- training@rorypecktrust.org
查禁目录Index on Censorship: www.indexoncensorship.org
- 92- 94 Tooley Street, London SE1 2TH, United Kingdom
- Tel: (+44) – Email: info@indexoncensorship.org
保护记者委员会Committee to Protect Journalists: www.cpj.org
- 330, 7th Avenue, 11th Floor , New York, New York 10001, United
- States – Tel: (+1.212) 465.1004 – Fax: (+1.212) 465.9568 –
- Email: info@cpj.org
国际记者联盟International Federation of Journalists: www.ifj.org
- IPC- Residence Palace, Bloc C, Rue de la Loi 155 / B-1040,
- B russels, Belgium – Tel: (+32) – Fax: (+32)
- – Email: ifj@ifj.org
世界报业暨新闻出版协会World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers:
- http:/ /www.wan-ifra.org
- 96 bis rue Beaubourg 75003 Paris, France
- Tel: (+33) – Fax: (+33) – Email:
- info@wan-ifra.org
国际笔会Pen International: http://www.pen-international.org
- Brownlow House, 50/51 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6ER,
- United Kingdom
- Tel: (+44) – Email: info@pen- international.org
国际新闻学会International Press Institute: www.freemedia.at
- Spiegelgasse 2A-1010, Vienna, Austria
- Tel: (+43) 1.512.90.11 – Fax: (+43) 1.512.90.14 –
- Email: ipi@freemedia. at
Media Legal Defence Initiative:
- http://www.mediadefence.org
- The Foundry, 17-19 Oval Way, London SE11 5RR, United
- Kingdom- Tel: (+44) – Skype: mldi.law –
- Email: info@mediadefence.org
国际特赦组织Amnesty International: www.amnesty.org
- 1 Easton Street, London WC1X 0DW, United Kingdom
- Tel: (+44) – Fax: (+44) 1.57 –
- Email: contactus@amnesty.org
无国界律师组织(法国)Lawyers Without Borders France
- www.avocatssansfrontieres-france.org
- 8, rue du Prieuré, 31000 Toulouse, France
- Tel: (+33) – Fax: (+33)
国际人权联合会International Federation for Human Rights:
- www.fidh.org
- 17 passage de la Main d’or, 75011 Paris, France
- Tel: (+33) 18 – Fax: (+33) – fidh@fidh.org
人权观察Human Rights Watch: www.hrw.org
- 350 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor, New York, NY 10118-3299,
- United States – Tel : (+1.212) 290.4700 – Fax: (+1.212)
- 736.1300 – Email: HRWpress@HRW.org
自由之家Freedom House: www.freedomhouse.org
- 1850 M Street NW, Floor 11, Washington DC 20036, United
- States – Tel : (+1.202) 296.5101 – Fax (+1.202) 293.2840 –
- Email: info@freedomhouse.org
红十字国际委员会International Committee of the Red Cross: www.icrc.org
- 19, avenue de la Paix, CH-1202, Geneva , Switzerland
- Tel: (+41) 22.734.60.01 – Fax: (+41) 22.733.20.57
- www.un-ngls.org
- Palais de Nations, 1211, Geneva 10, Switzer land
- Tel: (+41) 22 917 2076 – Fax: (+41) 22 917 0432
联合国人权事务高级专员办事处: www.ohchr.org
- Palais Wilson, 52 rue des Pâquis, CH-1201 Geneva,
- Switzerland – Tel : (+41) 22.917.92.20 –
- Email: InfoDesk@ohchr.org
国际刑事法院: www.icc-cpi.int
- 174 Maanweg, 2516 AB, The Hague, Netherlands
- Tel: (+31) 70.515.85.15 – Fax: (+31) 70.515.85.55
联合国难民署: www.unhcr.fr
- Case Postale 2500, CH-1211, Geneva 2, Switzerland
- Tel: (+41) 22.739.81.11 – Fax: (+41) 22.739.73.77
联合国教育、科学及文化组织: www.unesco.org
- 7, Place de Fontenoy, 75732 Paris 07 SP, France
- Tel: (+33) – Fax: (+33)